Clydebank Women's Aid was formed in 1981 as part of a grassroots movement which was led by a group of local women who had been involved in a Women's Health Day in Faifley. From its inception Clydebank Women's Aid began lobbying and campaigning and submitting funding applications while also starting to provide a service for women experiencing Domestic Abuse by offering an evening phone line service. 2 years later in 1983 the group successfully secured Urban Aid funding for 3 years and were provided with refuge accommodation.
Since 1981 Clydebank Women's Aid has been committed to providing a non-judgmental, empowering and supportive service for women, children and young people. Clydebank Women's Aid now has 1 Refuge Worker, 1 Refuge/Support and Access Worker, 2 Refuge/Children and Young People's Workers, 2 Resettlement Workers, 1 Finance Worker and 1 Family Resource Worker who continue to strive to offer safe accommodation, information and support to women, children and young people who have been or are experiencing domestic abuse.
We are part of the Scottish Women's Aid network which is a network of groups of women who are concerned about domestic abuse, and many of us have experienced abuse ourselves. Link to:
For further information and support call 0141 952 8118